Enneagram Type 3 Wing 2: The “Charmer” or “The Enchanter”

Ege Tekgün
By , PhD in Experimental Psychology
Published on 04 Oct, 2024 | Updated on 07 Oct, 2024
Enneagram Type 3 wing 2 (3w2): The “Charmer” or “The Enchanter”, complete guide and characteristics

Enneagram Type 3 wing 2 (3w2): learn about the unique traits and growth paths of the “Charmer” (or “Enchanter”) / Illustration by © Cognitivus

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An Enneagram Type 3 wing 2, called "The Charmer" or "The Enchanter," combines traits from both Enneagram types 3 and 2, known as Enneagram wings, mixing the hard-working achiever with the caring helper, resulting in someone who is ambitious and good at connecting with others.

People with this type are typically characterized by their high ambition, goal-oriented mindset and passion to be successful in their endeavors. Their social charm helps them to build effective connections and win people over with enthusiasm and charisma. However, their strong need for validation can sometimes lead them to focus more on maintaining a perfect public image rather than staying true to their authentic selves.

Key Characteristics of Enneagram 3w2

A 3w2 combines the ambition of a personality Type 3 with the interpersonal warmth characteristics of a Type 2. People with this personality type are driven by both personal success and need for connection with others. They tend to seek recognition not just for what they accomplish but for who they are in the eyes of others. They are often concerned with how they present themselves, both professionally and socially, striving for accomplishments that will earn them admiration and love. Their desire to be seen as successful and valued pushes them to adjust their behavior to fit their environment.

Enneagram type 3 wing 2 description, traits, key characteristics & typical signs
Enneagram type 3w2, the Charmer, combines the traits of Type 3s (“The Achiever”) with the characteristics of the Type 2s (“The Helper”) / Illustration by © Cognitivus

Here are some key characteristics of a 3w2:

  • Ambition and goal-setting: They are highly motivated to achieve success and often set ambitious goals for themselves.
  • Adaptability: Their skills in adjusting their attitudes and behaviors depending on the situation, making them effective communicators and influencers.
  • Charming and social: Their natural warmth and charisma allow them to easily build connections with others.
  • Focus on success: While they are driven to achieve, they may sometimes overly prioritize their public image, caring deeply about how others perceive them.
  • Helping nature: They genuinely enjoy supporting and encouraging others, displaying nurturing and kind behaviors.

This blend of characteristics makes 3w2s charismatic leaders, goal-driven workers, and empathetic friends. However, their intense focus on outward success may sometimes prevent their personal fulfillment and suppress their authentic selves.

How to recognize an Enneagram 3w2

Recognizing a 3w2 is usually easy due to their magnetic personality and goal-driven approach to life. These individuals tend to stand out in social situations, not just because they are friendly, but because they exude confidence and ambition. Here are some signs you may be interacting with 3w2::

  • Always discussing goals or achievements: Whether it’s about their career or personal projects, 3w2s are constantly striving for success and love to share their progress with others to impress those around them.
  • Charismatic and sociable: They are often the life of the party or the center of attention in social groups, easily engaging others with their charm and enthusiasm.
  • Skilled at adjusting to others: They can adapt their behavior to suit different social situations, making them effective at connecting with various types of people.
Let's assume you are a successful event planner who not only organizes elaborate events but also ensures that each guest feels valued, whether it's remembering their favorite drink or offering a welcoming hug. You balance personal success with making others feel happy, embodying the natural charm of a 3w2.

What’s the difference between the Charmer and the Enchanter?

While the terms "Charmer" and "Enchanter" are often used interchangeably to describe Enneagram Type 3w2 personalities, each highlights slightly different aspects of the personality:

Comparison of Enneagram type 3 wing 2:  “The Charmer” vs “The Enchanter”
Enneagram Type 3 Wing 2: 3w2 "The Charmer" focuses on social connection, while "The Enchanter" focuses on influence and allure. / Illustration by © Cognitivus

The Charmer

  • Focuses on social connection: The Charmer emphasizes the ability of the 3w2 to be socially engaging, likable, and to build relationships with ease. A 3w2 Charmer uses their interpersonal skills to win over others by making them feel valued and appreciated. Their warmth and sociability enable them to navigate social spaces, making them effective communicators and leaders in such settings.
  • Driven by likability: The Charmer tends to be more focused on gaining approval from others through social attentiveness. Their ability to adapt to different social situations and making those around them feel comfortable and valued, strengthen their likability.

The Enchanter

  • Focuses on influence and allure: The Enchanter emphasizes the 3w2’s ability to influence and captivate others through their charisma and ambition. While still charming, the Enchanter is more focused on using their charisma to achieve specific goals or elevate their status.
  • Driven by admiration: The Enchanter seeks admiration, not just for being likable, but for being successful and influential. They enchant others through their confidence and ability to accomplish big things, all while maintaining an attractive persona.

In essence, both terms describe a similar personality, but with The Charmer being more about social ease and likability, and The Enchanter focusing more on captivating others through influence and ambition.

What is the MBTI equivalent to Enneagram 3w2?

Enneagram 3w2s share similarities with certain Myers-Briggs personality types, most notably ESFJ (The Consul) and ESTP (The Entrepreneur). Both of these MBTI types reflect the social, action-oriented nature of 3w2s.

  • ESFJ (The Consul): Like 3w2s, ESFJs are highly social, caring, and motivated by a desire to be appreciated by others. They excel at creating harmonious environments and ensuring that everyone feels valued,  balancing ambition with a nurturing side.
  • ESTP (The Entrepreneur): Similar to 3w2s, ESTPs thrive on action, competition, and success. They quickly adapt to new situations and are highly skilled at seizing opportunities, making them natural leaders and problem-solvers.

Basic Fear and Desire of Type 3w2s

At the core of the 3w2 Enneagram personality lies a strong fear of failure and a worry of being unworthy of love. They often believe that their worth is tied to their achievements, which pushes them to set ambitious goals and work tirelessly to achieve them. Their basic desire is to be admired, accepted, and valued by others, but at the heart of it, they long for authentic connection and recognition of their true self. This inner conflict can sometimes lead them to alter their behavior to please others or to seek validation through achievement, even at the cost of their authenticity.

A star athlete might push themselves to the limit, not just for the love of the sport, but out of fear that without winning, they won’t be admired or valued. They enjoy the spotlight and the praise from fans, but deep down, they fear that if they stop achieving, they may lose their sense of worth.

Strengths of Enneagram 3w2

Enneagram 3w2s have several strengths that make them effective and engaging in both social and professional settings. Their confidence and warmth allow them to build strong relationships, while their goal-oriented nature ensures they consistently achieve what they set out to do. Some common strengths include:

  • Dedication to goals: 3w2s are highly focused on achieving their objectives, working hard and staying committed until the task is complete.
  • Self-confidence: They believe in their abilities and inspire confidence in others as well.
  • Relationship-building: Their social charm and warmth help them connect easily with others, fostering meaningful and lasting relationships.
  • Efficiency: They are skilled at managing tasks and organizing their work to ensure efficiency and productivity.
A 3w2 teacher may not only deliver engaging lessons but also ensure each student feels seen and supported, leading to strong relationships and lasting impact
Key strengths and weaknesses of Enneagram type 3 wing 2 (3w2)
Key strengths of Enneagram type 3 wing 2 include self-confidence, efficiency, and skilled at building relationships. However, 3w2s struggle with overemphasis on social image. / Illustration by © Cognitivus

Weaknesses of Enneagram 3w2

While 3w2s have many strengths, their drive for success and admiration can sometimes lead to weaknesses. Their focus on external validation can cause stress, and result in overcompetition or overconcern with their image. Some common challenges include:

  • Overemphasis on social image: They may become overly focused on how others perceive them, leading to sacrificing their authenticity in exchange for approval.
  • Difficulty accepting failure: Setbacks can be devastating for 3w2s. They may feel deeply upset when they don’t meet their high standards. They tend to see their failure as a reflection of their worth rather than a normal part of life.
  • Possessiveness or competitiveness: They may become overly competitive or jealous in environments where they feel their status is threatened.
  • Manipulative tendencies: In some cases, 3w2s may unintentionally manipulate situations or relationships to maintain their success or image.
A 3w2 CEO may be so focused on maintaining a flawless public persona that they neglect their personal relationships. They may strain friendships or family ties in the process, ultimately sacrificing the deep connections.

Core Motivations of Enneagram 3w2

At the core of a Type 3 wing 2 (3w2) personality is a profound desire to be admired, loved, and valued by others. Like other Type 3s, they are driven by the need to achieve success, but their 2 wing brings a strong emphasis on interpersonal connection and helping others. Their motivation stems from a need for both external validation and the approval that comes from being seen as successful and likable.

They wish to excel not only in their careers but also in their relationships. They want not only to achieve great things but also to be recognized for their efforts and contributions. This need for validation often leads them to adjust their behavior to fit the expectations of others, which make them highly versatile but also prone to losing sight of their authentic selves. 

Ultimately, what drives 3w2s is the desire to feel valuable through both their achievements and their ability to connect with and support others. Their journey is one of balancing their drive for success with the need for authentic connections, making them both dynamic and relatable.

Healthy and unhealthy levels of Enneagram 3w2

The health levels of an Enneagram 3w2 can greatly impact how their core traits manifest, shaping their behavior and relationships. At their healthiest, 3w2s are inspiring, ambitious, and genuinely caring. They balance their desire for success with a deep concern for others, using their charisma and drive to uplift and motivate those around them. In this state, recognition becomes a tool for encouragement rather than a sole measure of their worth. They embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, facing obstacles with resilience and optimism.

Unhealthy 3w2 Enneagram vs healthy 3w2 Enneagram
Enneagram 3w2s at healthy levels are confident, value-driven, and generous, while at unhealthy levels, they become obsessed with admiration, manipulative, and insecure. / Illustration by © Cognitivus

Healthy levels

When 3w2s are thriving, they exhibit a powerful blend of self-assurance and compassion. Their success is not just about personal achievement; it’s about creating a positive impact on their community or workplace. At their healthiest, they:

  • Are confident without being boastful: They know their value and strengths but don’t feel the need to constantly showcase them to receive external praise. Their confidence comes from within.
  • Achieve success while maintaining their personal values: They don’t compromise their integrity or authenticity in the pursuit of recognition. Their goals are aligned with their principles, allowing them to experience genuine fulfillment.
  • Generously offer their time and resources to help others succeed: They find joy in supporting the success of others, mentoring others and guiding people without expecting anything in return. For healthy 3w2s, helping others succeed is a reflection of their own growth.

At this level, challenges are seen as opportunities to refine their skills and further their impact, both on themselves and others. Their sense of recognition is more about the quality of their relationships and the genuine success of their projects, rather than simply external validation.

Unhealthy levels

At their unhealthiest, 3w2s become overly preoccupied with their public image, constantly seeking validation and recognition. Their drive to achieve turns into a desperate need for admiration, leading them to measure their self-worth solely through external praise. Challenges become threats to their self-esteem, and they may go to great lengths to avoid failure or criticism, often at the expense of their core values.

In this unhealthy state, 3w2s may:

  • Become obsessed with winning and admiration: Success is no longer about personal growth or the joy of helping others but about gaining relentless approval and admiration from those around them. Unhealthy 3w2 may become excessively competitive and insecure without continuous acknowledgment of their achievements.
  • Manipulate others to ensure their success: In their desperation for validation, unhealthy 3w2s may use their charm and influence to manipulate situations and people to guarantee their own success. They might promise more than they can deliver or take credit for others’ efforts to maintain their image.
  • Feel empty and worthless if they aren’t constantly receiving praise: Without regular recognition, unhealthy 3w2s may spiral into self-doubt and feelings of worthlessness and inadequacy. Like unhealthy Enneagram 3s, their sense of identity becomes tied to how much admiration they receive, making them deeply vulnerable to rejection or criticism.

At this level, challenges feel overwhelming, and instead of seeing them as opportunities to grow, unhealthy 3w2s may avoid them altogether, fearing exposure of their flaws. Recognition becomes their primary source of self-worth, and without it, they may struggle to maintain a sense of purpose.

Enneagram 3w2 at Work

In the workplace, 3w2s excel due to their ambition, charm, and ability to connect with others. As natural leaders, they thrive in environments where they can set and achieve goals, inspire their colleagues, and receive recognition for their hard work. Here are some typical behaviors they exhibit in the workplace:

  • Driving team success: 3w2s often take the initiative, leading projects and ensuring tasks are completed efficiently. Their determination makes them effective collaborators, inspiring those around them.
  • Efficient communication: Their adaptability and social skills allow them to communicate effectively with different types of people. They can convey ideas clearly and foster an inclusive work atmosphere.
  • Balancing personal success with team success: While they are focused on their individual achievements, they are also motivated to help their team succeed. They strive for collective accomplishments to enhance their own reputation and satisfaction.
A 3w2 lawyer might not only win cases but also excel at networking, becoming a well-known and respected figure in their field. By fostering collaboration and motivating their colleagues, this lawyer earns respect in the legal community while also building strong professional relationships. Their success is intertwined with the success of their team, as they genuinely find joy in uplifting others along the way.

Enneagram 3w2 in relationships

In relationships, 3w2s are attentive, loving, and committed partners. They value deep connections and work hard to ensure the success of their romantic relationships. Here’s how they typically behave:

  • Leading with love: They often take the lead in making plans, keeping the romance alive, and ensuring their partner feels loved. 
  • Expect a lot of admiration: They may have a strong need for continuous validation from their partners to maintain their self-worth.

Struggle with vulnerability: Because they want to appear strong and successful, they may find it hard to express their insecurities or fears, which may create barriers to authentic emotional intimacy.

A 3w2 in a relationship may go out of their way to plan extravagant dates or make grand romantic gestures but may hesitate to open up about their fears and emotional needs, worrying that doing so might undermine their image of strength and success.

Enneagram 3w2 with friends

As friends, 3w2s are fun, enthusiastic, and reliable. They are the ones organizing social gatherings and ensuring that everyone feels included and valued. Their warmth and attentiveness make them dependable friends, but they also have some challenges:

  • Feel the need to maintain a perfect image: 3w2s might be hesitant to show vulnerability or admit failure, even to close friends.
  • Have difficulty taking a backseat: They often prefer to be the leader or center of attention in social settings.
A 3w2 friend might plan and host a memorable birthday party for a friend, ensuring that every detail is perfect. While their enthusiasm makes their friend feel appreciated, they may also seek recognition for their efforts. They feel a need for validation from others about how well they executed the event. This desire can make it difficult for them to express any moments of doubt they experienced during the planning process. As a result, their friendships might sometimes lack the depth that comes from sharing vulnerabilities

Enneagram Type 3w2 Careers and Hobbies

Preferred careers for 3w2s

3w2s excel in careers that allow them to lead, achieve, and connect with others. They flourish in environments that provide opportunities for recognition and success. Ideal career paths for 3w2s include:

  • Advertising consultant: Using their creativity and charm, they lead marketing campaigns that capture attention.
  • Event planner: Organizing events that allow them to showcase their skills, while engaging with others and ensuring every guest feels valued.
  • Entrepreneur: Building and leading their own business ventures, allowing them to pursue their ambition.
  • Surgeon: Combining their drive for success with a caring role that directly contributes to improving the well-being of others.
  • TV anchor: Using their charm and professionalism, they inform and engage the public, thriving in the spotlight.
Enneagram type 3 wing 2 careers and hobbies
Ideal careers for type 3 wing 2 include event planner, entrepreneur, while best hobbies include creative pursuits and volunteering / Illustration by © Cognitivus

Hobbies for 3w2s

In their free time, 3w2s enjoy hobbies that allow them to socialize, achieve, and express themselves creatively. Some hobbies that might appeal to 3w2s include:

  • Hosting events: From dinner parties to large gatherings, they love bringing people together, creating enjoyable memories.
  • Competitive sports: Engaging in activities like tennis or running gives them a sense of accomplishment.
  • Volunteering: They enjoy helping others, particularly in roles where they can take the lead and make a significant impact.
  • Creative pursuits: Activities like acting, singing, or blogging allow them to express their talents while gaining recognition.

Enneagram Type 3w2 Compatibility and Relationships

Best matches for romantic pairing

The best romantic matches for 3w2s are types that complement their social and driven nature. Ideal matches include:

  • Type 9 (The Peacemaker): This pairing offers a sense of calm and stability, helping the 3w2 slow down and focus on personal connections, enhancing emotional intimacy.
  • Type 2 (The Helper): Enneagram 3w2s share the desire to connect and care for others with type 2s. This relationship fosters a nurturing environment where both partners feel supported.
Enneagram type 3 wing 2 best matches for love and work relationships
Enneagram type 3 wing 2 best matches for love and romantic pairings are with types 9 and 2. For work, 3 wing 2 best work together with types 1, and 8. / Illustration by © Cognitivus

Best matches for work

In the workplace, 3w2s thrive with colleagues who complement their ambition and interpersonal skills. Ideal work partners include:

  • Type 1 (The Perfectionist): Providing structure and attention to detail, Enneagram 1 balances the 3w2’s big-picture goals with practical execution.
  • Type 8 (The Challenger): With a shared drive for success, Type 8 complements the 3w2’s leadership skills with strength and determination.

By recognizing their strengths and weaknesses and working on personal growth, 3w2s can thrive in their careers, relationships, and personal lives. With their charm, ambition, and helping nature, they are truly “The Enchanters” of the Enneagram world.

How to Achieve Personal Growth as a 3w2

For a 3w2, personal growth is about balancing your drive for success with authenticity. While it’s natural to seek recognition, you need to learn to value yourself beyond your achievements. This growth involves slowing down, reflecting on your true motivations, and accepting that you are worthy, regardless of your accomplishments. Here are some key areas to focus on for your personal growth:

1. Learning to value yourself without external validation

As a 3w2, it’s easy to equate your self-worth with the praise and approval you receive from others. However, it’s essential to shift your focus inward and recognize your inherent value, even when external recognition is lacking.

  • Internal validation: Develop self-compassion by recognizing that you are worthy of respect and love simply by being yourself.
  • Reflection on accomplishments: Instead of chasing every success just for approval, reflect on what those achievements mean to you personally. Ask yourself: “How did I feel accomplishing this?
Try giving yourself a pep talk when you’re feeling low—remind yourself of your strengths. Journaling can help you process your emotions and discover what truly brings you fulfillment, beyond external praise.

2. Allowing yourself to fail

Failure can feel like a threat to your self-image, but it’s a natural step to growth. Embracing failure and learning from it help you become more resilient and open to new experiences.

  • Reframing failure: Instead of viewing failure as a reflection of your worth, see it as a learning opportunity. Every setback helps you refine your skills.
  • Embracing imperfection: Understand that you don’t need to be perfect to be loved and accepted. Mistakes help you grow and build deeper, more authentic relationships.
Imagine yourself launching a new project that doesn’t go as planned. Ask yourself, “What can I learn from this?” This mindset shifts a potentially discouraging moment into a catalyst for improvement

3. Practicing vulnerability

You may often focus on maintaining an image of success, which makes it difficult to show your true feelings. Practicing vulnerability helps you build deeper relationships and achieve more meaningful personal growth.

  • Sharing feelings: Open up about your fears and insecurities with trusted people. This willingness to be vulnerable invites acceptance and genuine connection.
  • Deepening connections: Vulnerability fosters more authentic relationships, creating a safe space for others to open up.
Having an honest conversation with a partner, admitting your need for approval and exploring the roots of that desire can transform your relationship into a deeper, more supportive bond, making both of you feel more connected.

4. Engaging in activities without seeking recognition

It’s important to find joy in activities that aren’t tied to competition or public acknowledgment. This helps you reconnect with your authentic self and find fulfillment beyond external validation.

  • Hobbies for pleasure: Engage in hobbies just for the joy they bring, without the pressure of excelling or being admired. Try to dive into activities that light up your passion without keeping score.
  • Detaching from outcomes: Focus on enjoying the process rather than the result. This shift allows you to find satisfaction in the journey itself.
If you take up photography, do it for the beauty you capture, not for likes or praise. This nurtures a sense of personal satisfaction that isn’t reliant on anyone else’s approval.

By embracing these areas of development, you can balance your ambition with a deeper sense of self-worth and more meaningful connections. It’s not just about achieving, it’s about evolving into the best version of yourself.


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